Friday, 31 August 2012

Always try to be self sufficient .....

Here . Some additional retro MTB twaddle . I scanned in some old magazines and stuff last week . Early stuff .

The earliest of the earliest is this . In 1987 , cut and paste was a fighting style .
There was an almost total absence of MTB literature . I would buy the odd bike mag but they were literally 95% biased toward roadie with maybe touring thrown in . There was a point when Bicycle Action magazine started to include a section devoted to off-road , called MBUK . A few pages at the back .

So , info was hard to come by . I guess I must have followed up on an ad , and joined the national Mountain Bike Club . It was run by MTB pioneers , Jeremy Torr , and Max Glaskin . It was a very low key ' fanzine' style affair . Just a single sheet of A4 , with the absolute smallest of print , xeroxed by the million . Well , tens . At least . A few issues in came this . Guidelines on how to put on an MTB event . Have a gander .


Kinda funny , eh ? Remember kids , all bikes should have tyres at least 1.5" wide . 

Ok , that's it for now . 

I am the Muddy Fox Courier . 

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